Tour Girls Season 2
Official Trailer

Tour Girls Season 2

TOUR GIRLS is a spirited reality series that follows a group of mostly novice Australian stripes on a hectic three thousand kilometer adventure working the strip clubs of New Zealand. We meet them as they deal with drunken club patrons, obsessed fans, hard edged bosses, angry club owners, and each other in this hectic dash from one club to another. The cameras have 24 hour access as we capture the drama's, catfights, and conflicts as the girls travel in a cramped motor home while working the back end strip clubs all around New Zealand over a tight three week schedule. Among the cast of character's is the glamorous stripper who doesn't want to strip, Angie who can't perform unless she drunk, Britney who is from New Zealand but doesn't want mom or the home folks to know she strips, Buffy who likes to whine about everything, Jodie Moore the Adult Film Star, and Karen, the tour veteran who is just trying to hold it all together. Along with all this, throw in a couple of very arrogance tour managers, who aren't afraid to correct the girls even after the most minor of infractions, and who try to save every nickel they can on the tour, and you got an addictive reality series with humor, drama, and human conflict. Learn to love these quirky and volatile personalities as they try to live and work together in very close quarters for three weeks. .
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